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Teshik, Osvald

this Imperial Grand Admiral was in command of the fleets which patrolled Darpa and Bormea Sectors during the height of the New Order. Teshik had been promoted to the position of Grand Admiral after Emperor Palpatine sent him on a doomed mission against a Hapan battle fleet. Teshik managed to survive, but the majority of his body sustained permanent damage and had to be cyborged. This sudden change turned Teshik inward, and he completely cut himself off from any form of emotion. Palpatine then personally charged Teshik with security in the Ringali Shell, and threatened to execute Teshik if the situation with the privateer vessel Far Orbit wasn't resolved. At the Battle of Endor, Teshik was aboard the second Death Star when the Alliance attack. As the station crumbled around him, Teshik was pinned beneath a falling column. Only a construction worker stopped to help him, freeing teshik and dragging him to safety. Old emotions began to resurface, and Teshik personally rallied the diminished Imperial fleet and continued to battle against the Alliance for more than three hours after the Death Star exploded. Teshik and his ship, the Eleemosynary were then captured by the Alliance, and Teshik was executed for crimes he committed in the name of the Empire.
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