this Jawa traveled the stars and landed on the planet Otunia, shortly before the Battle of Endor. Using his skills as a scavenger, Tek managed to survive in the deep desert, outside the view of Kabul Industries. He made a living helping the moisture farmers repair their equipment, but was forced into hiding when an ignorant farmer misused a piece of equipment Tek had repaired. It blew up, and so did the farmer, and a bounty was placed on Tek's head. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Tek rescued Grissom and Arista Kabul from an attack by Arista's uncle, Seth. Grissom devised a plan to turn in Tek for the 12,000-credit bounty on his head, then Grissom and Arista blasted the little alien out of prison. Before leaving Otunia, Arista planned to meet with her Uncle Seth in order to remove the ankle restraint she was wearing. As payback for his murder of her father, Arista used the bounty money to purchase explosives. Employing Tek's knowledge of explosives and Grissom's knowledge of the mines, Arista placed bombs throughout the mines. She then confronted Seth, demanding that he remove the ankle bracelet that was keeping her tied to Otunia. As payback for the murder of her father, Arista then set off Tek's bombs, utterly destroying the mines and leaving Seth - and Kabul Industries - without anything.