a cold-weather creature suitable for use as transportation, thereptomammals resembled a fur-covered iguana which runs on its hind legs and has curved, ram-like horns. Native to the planet Hoth, these creatures are often found in large herds, racing across the snowy plains on their large, three-toed feet. The four nostrils on the tauntaun's nose were uniquely chambered, warming each breath before it entered the lungs. They have strong, rough lips that allow them to scrape lichens and moss off exposed rocks for food. This is not their only source of food, for they have also been seen eating carrion and small rodents. They also have a unique elimination system, exuding oils and waste products through pores in their skin. This causes the tauntaun to eminate a distictive odor. They seek nocturnal shelter in caves and ice grottoes, since they cannot survive the harsh nighttime temperatures. The internal organs of the tauntaun were all packed tightly inside their skeletons behind layers of fat, thereby protected from the cold. They were used by the Alliance as mounts during their stay at Echo Base. To pass the time, Alliance soldiers often staged tauntaun rodeos, putting their mounts through various stunts and exercises while trying to create a comradery with the uncooperative beasts. The tauntaun has a unique, cold-resistant blood which allows it to survive on the Hoth tundra. There were at least fifteen species of tauntaun on Hoth, each having a distinct mix of reptilian and mammalian characteristics. The tauntaun, being one of the two primary creatures native to Hoth, is the favored source of food for the other, the Wampa ice creature. Female tauntauns gave birth to live young, and fed them with a form of milk they regurgitated from their stomachs. Males could also regurgitate this milk, since they used it to spit when annoyed or angered.