Tantra, Zoodia
this former decorated Imperial TIE Bomber pilot was one of the few females in the Imperial Navy. She didn't care about politics or policy, she just wanted to fly. She was considered a hero of the Navy, having flown nearly sixty missions without failure. However, her sixtieth mission proved tragic, as her escort fighter fired on her bomber by accident while trying to lock onto a B-Wing. Zoodia's bomber crashed on a small moon, but no attempt was ever made to rescue her. She was rescued by an agridroid which notified the authorities of her survival, but Zoodia had suffered major damage to her right arm. The recovery mission arrived too late to save the arm, which had to be amputated and replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis. The artificial arm, coupled with the Empire's lack of commitment to rescue her caused her to resent the Imperials, and she blamed the Empire for her pains. She resigned her commission, and travelled a number of backwater worlds before meeting Xalto Sneerzick. Sneerzick's words rung true with her, although she wasn't sure if it was because of her emotional state or the fact that a droid had rescued her. She joined the Droid Abolitionist Movement, and became Xalto's enforcer. She used her Imperial background as a cover for the Movement's ambushes of Cosmohaul Shipping transports, and then became an engineer when Sneerzick's team managed to infiltrate Cosmohaul and take control of the Argent Lady. However, like all of Sneerzick's followers on the Argent Lady, Zoodia was killed by the very R5 droids she was working to free.