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First Battle of Yavin

the Alliance, in a daring move, stole secret plans to the Empire's first Death Star battle station. Data on the ship's infrastructure and construction were obtained by Princess Leia Organa at Toprawa and hidden inside the memory banks of R2-D2. Engineering and technical readouts were stolen from the Imperial laboratory on Danuta by Kyle Katarn. After escaping the Tantive IV and locating Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 managed to deliver the plans to the secret Alliance base on the fourth moon of Yavin, where Generals Willard and Dodonna used the two sets of plans to form an attack on the Death Star. Since the space station was designed to combat large opponents, the Generals thought that a group of small fighters could get inside the Death Star's defenses. An unshielded exhaust port provided them a target to the station's main reactor, and the Alliance lured the Empire to Yavin. Once the Death Star was close enough to Yavin, the Alliance launched its long-shot plan. X- and Y-wings were used to penetrate the Death Star's defenses, and although many Alliance pilots were killed, Luke Skywalker managed to precisely fire a photon torpedo into the exhaust port and start the chain reaction which destroyed the Death Star.
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