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this gas giant is the largest planet in the Kelavine System, with a recorded diamter of about 100,000 kilometers. It spins very rapidly, rotating once every 12 standard hours. Its year lasts 219 local days. Taloraan hsa seven moons and a magnificent ring system, but it also has an intense magnetic field and suffers from atmospheric ionization. Thus, it has never been fully surveyed. It is located in the Expansion Region. The little exploration that has been done on Taloraan has indicated that, at certain levels within the clouds, habitation could be possible. In acutality, the planet harbors an abundance of life, including the fleft-wauf and sleft-chuffni. Humans have also recently settled the planet's upper atmosphere, living inside colossal island beasts. Taloraan is important because of the abundance of tibanna gas in its atmosphere, and it has been shown that Taloraan's tibanna gas is breathable at higher altitudes.
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