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Takkar, Derran

this man was the Imperial Moff of Dolis 3, a position he attained shortly before the Battle of Endor. He remained staunchly loyal to the Empire, something that was easy to do given Dolis 3's remote location from Coruscant. Takkar and his wife, Anlys, vowed to exact revenge on the New Republic, but were unable to determine the correct point in time to strike. Their opportunity came when it was announced that Luke Skywalker was going to marry Mara Jade. Takkar gathered his former officers - Banner Sumptor, Chik Apla, Chala Venan, and Iry Danta - and set off for Coruscant. There, they tried to disrupt the wedding in any way possible. Several plans failed, until Anlys suggested stealing Mara's wedding dress and putting a halt to the ceremony. This plan nearly succeeded, but Banner Sumptor disabled Anlys's escort, and Anlys was knocked unconscious by Jari'kyn. Derran realized that he had to take matters into his own hands, and infiltrated the wedding disguised as an Ithorian diplomat. Into his costume he placed a datapad loaded with a virus which would wipe out New Republic communications stations throughout the galaxy. He threatened to download the virus into the Republic's computers, destroying communications and fragmenting the fledgling Republic. Derran was unaware that the New Republic had shielded Coruscant's computers from just this sort of sabotage years before, and the plan was ultimately doomed. However, Luke Skywalker did not use the Force to coerce Derran or prevent him from triggering the virus anyway, and Derran found himself unsure about the propaganda he had read on the Republic. Ultimately, Luke offered him a chance to join the New Republic on his own terms, and Derran agreed to try.
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