Taanab Operation
this battle was aprt of Grand Admiral Thrawn's plans to unsettle the fledgling New Republic, some five years after the Battle of Endor. As part of the Taanab Operation, Thrawn dispatched the Bellicose to harass the planet Taanab in the wake of the Battle of Sluis Van. In order to ensure pinpoint accuracy and coordination among the Imperial forces, Thrawn planned on using the skills of the Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth to coordinate the battles plans. However, C'baoth went out on his own and used a Force technique to link all the gunners' minds to his own. He then was able to control the entire firing plan, and used the Imperial forces to his own ends. Thrawn relieved him from the operation when he found out about C'baoth's maneuver, allowing the Dark Jedi to return to Jomark and await the arrival of Luke Skywalker.