a three-winged, triangular craft built by Incom for terrestrial transportation. Similar in controls to an X-Wing, they are often referred to as skyhoppers. The T-16 was equipped with an E-16/x ion engine afterburner, in addition to a pair of DCJ-45 repulsorlift engines, which gave it a top cruising speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour, as well as a 300 kilometer ceiling. The 5.2-meter-long craft was armed only with four stun lasers, and carried no shields. The top two lasers can be removed in favor of a targetting lasers, and the lower two lasers can be replaced with pneumatic cannons. With two wings pointing downward and the third wing standing straight up, the T-16 was a menaueverable craft that stood 10.4 meters in height. Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen Lars purchased a T-16 for him to use on Tatooine, which Luke used to fly the canyons and shoot womprats.