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this young, female Jazbinan was the daughter of Lord Prepredenko. She was also a member of the Alliance-supporting rebel cell on the planet Jazbina. She and her followers had hoped to convince her father to switch his allegiance to the Alliance, but he refused. Syayna was forced to go underground. When Luke Skywalker arrived on Jazbina on a diplomatic mission, Prepredenko tricked him into "rescuing" Syayna from a group of kidnappers. In reality, Prepredenko used Luke to discover the location of Syayna's rebel cell and arrest its members. Syayna was placed under house arrest and shackled in her rooms at the palace. Syayna pretended to want Luke dead as badly as Prepredenko, and he released her long enough for her to kill Luke. However, Syayna set the blaster to stun and knocked Luke out, then told her father that she would bring Luke's body up to the audience chamber. Instead, she spirited Luke away from the palace and brought him to her cell's hideout. However, they were discovered by Jal Te Gniev and Darth Vader at the same time. Syayna refused to turn over Luke, and in the face of a warehouse full of Jazbinan rebels, Vader elected to leave the planet. She and Raol then decided to dedicate their lives to each other.
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