Battle of Endor
Following the destruction of Hoth's Echo Base, the Alliance scattered throughout the galaxy in an effort to evade the Empire. A group of Bothans, trying to prove their worth to the Alliance, were able to obtain information on the construction of a new Death Star. Unbeknownst to them, the Emperor Palpatine let them have the data, in an effort to bring the Alliance to him for its final destruction. The Alliance used the data and launched a two-pronged attack at Endor's forest moon and the new Death Star. The first part of the attack involved ground troops penetrating Imperial defenses to deactivate the huge energy shield guarding the Death Star. The group - led by Han Solo - accomplished this with the help of an unknown race called Ewoks. The second part of the plan involved a starship attack similar to the one used at the Battle of Yavin. This time, however, the unfinished Death Star allowed the Alliance a chance to destroy the main reactor directly, without the nearly-impossible shot at an exhaust port. The Emperor used this to his advantage, and tried to lure Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force by having him watch the battle, in which a number of the Alliance's ships were lost. It was later revealed that the Emperor was using a technique which allowed him to control the minds of much of the Imperial Navy. This, in effect, allowed the Emperor to control the entire battle, as it was his will that was guiding the gunners and pilots of the Imperial Navy. With the tide turning the Emperor's way, the Alliance's ground team managed to deactivate the shield, and allowed their fighters - led by Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles - to penetrate the Death Star's hull and destroy the power generator. The Emperor was killed by Darth Vader just prior to the destruction of the Death Star, but Vader was also mortally wounded, and died on the station as well. As a result of the Emperor's death, the Imperial Navy had no idea how to continue the battle. The Emperor's will was no longer driving them, and they were quickly unsure how to proceed. This allowed the Alliance's ships to move in and destroy 6 Star Destroyers and rout the TIE Fighter squadrons. The remainder of the Imperial Navy limped away in a hasty retreat, allowing the Alliance to regain rulership of the galaxy.