Sun Crusher
third-generation superweapon designed by Qwi Xux and built by Tol Sivron at the Maw Installation. It is a long, four-sided ship about the size of a 6-man fighter, with nearly-indestructible quantum molecular armor plating and a transmitting dish mounted underneath. The dish launches a modulated resonance projectile into a star's core, causing the star to explode. The Sun Crusher flies in a unique upright position similar to a B-Wing, but it has no wings or stabilizers. It was armed with five laser turrets mounted on top and at the four top corners. The prototype built at the Maw was thought to be destroyed by the New Republic after it was recovered from the Maw when Han Solo and Kyp Durron escaped in it. The Sun Crusher was sent into the core of Yavin to be crushed, but it was later stolen by Kyp Durron. Kyp was under the influence of Exar Kun and the Dark Side of the Force, although it worked - to a degree - in the New Republic's favor. He felt that the Imperial weapon should be used to harry various Imperial worlds. The Sun Crusher worked to perfection, but Kyp eventually returned from the Dark influence of Kun to return the ship to the Republic. It was destroyed when it was sucked into the black holes of the Maw.