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Suhlak, N'dru

this young man was washed out of the Alliance's Tierfon starfighter base for his excessive insubordination. However, Suhlak was an excellent pilot, having learned from the likes of Jek Porkins and Wes Janson, and soon found work as a hunt saboteur. Suhlak once tried to evade Boba Fett above Uhltenden by placing specialized transparisteel plates between his Z-95 Headhunter and Slave I. The transparisteel was manufactured to filter out certain wavelengths of light, providing Suhlak with the ability to disappear as long as he remained in line with Fett's ship. He also placed a normal piece of transparisteel behind the optically-filtered piece, in case Fett survived the first one. However, Fett discerned Suhlak's set-up and evaded both pieces. He then boarded the modified Z-95 and took possession of Suhlak's cargo, Ob Fortuna. The two met up several years later, during Boba Fett's search for answers surrounding Neelah and Kuat of Kuat. This time, Fett hired Suhlak to transport him to Tatooine and back as fast as possible, following the damage to the Hound's Tooth and the loss of Slave I. He kept his part of the bargain, eventually returning Fett to Dengar and Neelah aboard the Hound's Tooth near Oran-m.
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