Kintan Strider
this species of strider was a huge, lumpy beast native to the planet Kintan. The strider had muscular shoulders, with arms that ended in three fingered hands. The strider had large, powerful legs. It appeared to have no neck, and its head seemed to be part of its chest. The strider, once known for its ferocious nature, was native to the Endless Wastes. Several thousands years before the Galactic Civil War, the Kintan striders died out after being hunted by the Nikto and damaged by pollution. A number of them were bred off-planet by the Hutts, who had hired Kaminoan cloners to create striders for use as bodyguards. By the time of the New Republic, thousands and Kintan striders existed on other worlds throughout the Outer Rim, many as guardbeasts of Hutt crimelords.