Storini Crystal Deceiver
this creature was dreamed up by Garik Loran and Kell Tainer, in an effort to get back at Eurrsk Thri'ag for his many pranks and practical jokes. Kell doctored up an encyclopedia entry for the Storini Glass Prowler, then let a prowler loose in Eurrsk's rooms. According to Kell's entry, the deceiver is virtually identical to the Storini Glass Prowler, except that it is far less common and far more dangerous. Found on the planet Storinal, the crystal deceiver's jaws secrete a poison that is quite dangerous to mammalian creatures. Its favorite prey are the creatures which eat the glass prowler, so the crystal deceiver mimics the prowlers actions in order to lure the hunters to it. As the hunters try to eat what they believe is a prowler, the deceiver attacks with its poisonous jaws. Crystal deceivers are extermely dangerous to mammals, because once a deceiver has the scent of a mammal, it retains it virtually forever, and continues to track the mammal down and hunt it. Large, healthy mammals such as humans often don't feel the effects of the deceiver's poison.