any craft designed to operate in the vacuum of interstellar space. There are five major classes of starship, based on size and mission. Capital Ship were large, heavily-armed ships which serve as command bases during military exercises. The Imperial-I class Star Destroyer and the Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser are two examples. Most capital ships are named for virtues. Close Support Ship were large, maneuverable ships whose weaponry allows them to protect the capital ships and perform other military operations. The Nebulon-B Frigate is one example. Transport/Supply Ship were ships of various sizes, built around speed and capacity, which are used to transport large amounts of material. The Corellian CR90 Corvette is one example. Most transport ships are named for beasts of burden or rivers. Starfighters were small, highly maneuverable ships which are the front-line defense attackers. They are built around one or two pilots, and are well-armed for their size. The TIE Fighter and the X-Wing are two examples. Support Ships included any ship which has limited military capability, this class includes space tugs, fuel ships, and container pods.