Smuggler's Run
this collection of asteroids was once controlled by the Hutts. It served as a base of operations for many smugglers who couldn't afford the relative luxury of havens like Nar Shaddaa. The Smuggler's Run has been in use for several centuries, and has remained unchecked due to its hazardous entrance through the asteroids. Several asteroids have been hollowed out or riddled with caverns to support life, and have been nicknamed Skips. The Skips were numbered in the order in which they were inhabited. A few minor crimelords developed personal empires within certain asteroids, but their influence rarely extended beyond a single rock. After the deaths of Jabba the Hutt and Emperor Palpatine, the Run became freed of Hutt control and began to operate on its own. During this time, the failed Jedi Dolph found an ally in the crimelord Nandreeson, and together they began shipping Dolph's rigged droids through the Run to points on Coruscant and other New Republic worlds. Many smugglers took jobs working for Nandreeson and Dolph, but many of them suddenly disappeared when they got too involved.