this Klatooinan was the leader of Jabba the Hutt's repulsorpool on the planet Tatooine, just prior to the crimelord's death. He had been badly scarred and disfigured on his homeworld before being sold to Jabba. Barada was won by Jabba in a rigged sabacc match, but Jabba chose to keep Barada as a slave rather than give him any kind of freedom. It was Barada who discovered the body of Ak-Buz in the palace scrap heap. He also assisted in watching over Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca when Jabba brought the to the Pit of Carkoon. Unfortunately for Barada, he was one of the first of Jabba's men to fall into the Sarlacc pit when Luke's plan for escape went into action.