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Shredder Bat

a vicious, avian creature native to the planet Atrisia, shredder bats are extremely adaptable to a variety of ecosystems. They have a wingspan of up to a meter across, and hunted in packs of more than twenty individuals.Shredder bats use a complex hearing system, with hearing organs in their necks and behind their ears, to sonically locate their prey. They attacked their prey by diving down on it and taking bites with their sharp fangs, causing their prey to bleed to death. The bats would then land on the downed prey and use their long tongues to consume all the blood and other bodily fluids. They were considered a dangerous nuisance throughout the galoaxy, as colonies of shredder bats have been established on over 1,000 different worlds. Once in a new environment, they tend to attack everything in sight in order to establish a territory. These attacks include humans and humanoids.
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