Shadow Droid
designed by Umak Leth and Borborygmus Gog for Emperor Palpatine, these attack craft were basically cybernetic starfighters. They were pilotless, for the most part, being controlled by the biologically-maintained brains of dead Imperial fighter pilots. These brains had been twisted through exposure to the Dark Side of the Force, and obey any command to the death. Shadow Droids were produced in the Deep Core during the period when Emperor Palpatine was reborn on Byss. These craft were armed with an ion cannon, a repeating blaster cannon, a pair of laser cannons, missile- and proton torpedo-launching systems, and an electromagnetic pulse cannon. The only problem with the Shadow Droids was that their once-human brains continued to evolve toward a perceived humanity. This meant that the brains would eventually go insane, once they realized that they were forever confined to their ships. In order to counteract this tendency, Leth and his engineers later installed speciallized hardware the removed all traces of humanity from the brain before its installation.