this S'krrr warrior was his planet's champion in the years just prior to the Empire's invasion of the Ishanna System. He was also a renowned poet among the S'krrr. He was destined to meet Mika Streev in battle on the Combat Moon, should a dispute arise between S'krrr and Rabaan. He meticulously studied human anatomy and psychology, looking for any advantage he could find. Sh'shak was short for a S'krrr, measuring only 1.7 meters in height, but he was well-trained in the ways of the warrior. He meditated prior to combat, to center his thoughts on the battle ahead. When the Empire finally decided to subjugate the system, Sh'shak and Streev were already on the Combat Moon, preparing to do battle in the ritual Combat. Imperial forces, with the help of Andos Delvaren, attempted to escalate the conflict into a full-scale war by killing both combatants. Sh'shak was hunting Streev when the Imperials began hunting Streev. Streev managed to escape, convinved Sh'shak to work together and them off. Sh'shak was injured when Commander Glave shot him in the thorax, but was rescued by Streev and a group of Alliance agents. They escaped off the moon, and agreed to join the Alliance after they hunted down Delvaren and Glave.