Sertim, Darci
this woman, along with her twin sister Marci and older sister Gayle, controlled an independent group of mercenaries during the height of the Galactic Civil War. They were hired by Vost Tyne as "civilian security consultants" at the hyperbaride plant on Marca. The twins are given the position of leadership when Gayle was killed, but were told her death was at the hands of the Alliance. Neither sister was aware of the true nature of Gayle's death, and remained loyal to Tyne and the Empire until a group of Alliance agents crash-landed on the planet and discovered computer records of Tyne's involvement with Gayle's death. Darci and Marci immediately decided to help the Alliance agents, and it was Darci who suggested the enlistment of the Sekct in overthrowing Tyne. However, she was later captured by Tyne and held as a hostage against the Alliance team.