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Semtin, Marl

this Imperial Captain was distinguished by the metallic cyborg implants which covered his eyes and ears. A man who was frustrated by the Imperial bureaucracy's slow pace, he often worked with the criminal underground to obtain what he needed. Semtin lost his eyes after a deal with the criminal underground went sour. The staunch Imperial was forced to accept Trandoshan eyes are replacements when a raid on BioTech Industries' base on Ambria - at his direction - failed to produce a human pair. He was in command of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Harrow shortly after the Battle of Endor, and was one of the few Imperial officers who knew of the location of the Eidolon. He had researched the disappearance of the ship, and eventually discovered the truth. He threatened to blackmail Sate Pestage, and the vizier offered him a portion of the cache as payment for keeping the secret. Semtin maintained a small detachment of officers on Tatooine in hopes of securing the Eidolon Base cache for himself, and managed to capture Firith Olan before the Twi'lek could discover Eidolon Base himself. He brought the alien back to Ryloth, in an attempt to draw off Rogue Squadron's interest in Eidolon Base. He later brought out a group of elite special forces under the command of Sixtus Quin, in order to eliminate the Rogues. Once Semtin's treachery in using Olan to further his own plans for domination were discovered by Sixtus' men, they hunted Semtin down at Eidolon Base. Sixtus executed Semtin as soon as he was captured.
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