this creature, named for the zoologist who first encountered them, was native to the planet Dancreti. Their existence has puzzled scientists for years, for they seemed to have a communal society of nomadic gatherers which possessed social structure. The average sanl'jek is a small, thin-bodied, quadripedal mammal with a long, whiplike tail. The females of the species caried their young in birth pouches,and they carried their young for nearly a year before allowing them to roam on their own. One of the more unusual aspects of the sanl'jek society is that they can determine outsiders to their social structure by their heartbeats. This sensitivity to heartbeat had a strange outgrowth: a member of one group could be attacked in a remote location, and his comrades could detect the change in the heartbeat and come to their aid. This response is immediate, and the protective sanl'jeks attack with incredible aggression. Any such inter-group struggles are fought until one side or the other is destroyed or backs off from the battle.