this species of semi-intelligent tree was native to Ithor, and was worshipped by the Ithorians. Like a hive mind, the more trees there were in a given area, the more intelligent they became as they intertwined their roots and began to commune. When seven or more trees grew together, the Bafforr achieved a level of sentience. The bark of the Bafforr was smooth and glasslike, and its blue coloration was radiant and luminous. The bark coloration of saplings was a deeper blue than the older trees. The Empire tried to uproot and replant Bafforr trees during the height of the New Order, in an effort to learn from their experiences. This plan met with failure, however, because the uprooted trees lost their communal sentience, and were utterly silent when observed in other locations. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Corran Horn and Jacen Solo discovered that the pollen of the baffor tree was deadly to the vondunu crab armor worn by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. They were able to defeat the Vong in a single battle before the effects were learned by the Vong commanders. In retaliation for this usage of bafforr pollen, Deign Lian ordered the destruction of Ithor. All life on the planet, including every bafforr tree, was killed in the attack. The New Republic, however, had taken steps to ensure the survival of the bafforr, and took cuttings and young plants to several worlds, such as Borleais, in an effort to save the tree from extinction.