a crimelord active during the Galactic Civil War, Saadoon-Kauldi was recruited to the world of Socorro by Abdi-Badawzi to help expand the presence of Ethra Brewery and other Socorran businesses beyond the Socorran System. A member of the Kadri'Ra species, it was rumored that Kauldi was enslaved and transported on a slaveship with the great-grandfather of Abdi-Badawzi, and that he was freed when the Badawzi family arranged for the ship to be attacked and the slaves freed. Abdi-Badawzi called on a "debt of honor" when he recruited Kauldi, promising a portion of the profits from the Ethra Brewery as well as a stronghold on the planet Neftali. Kauldi eventually agreed, hoping to begin a working relationship with the Society of the Black Bha'lir as well. Pret Swain later supplied a bulk cruiser for Kauldi to use as a personal transport, which he named the Merkel and used as an orbiting base near Neftali. However, the plight of his people - enslaved by the Empire - was never far from Kauldi's mind. He also never forgot the fact that he himself was a former slave, and he worked hard to free slaves and give them positions in his organization where warranted.