known as Toozy, this droid was the only astromech ever to earn the Alliance's Rohal Cross for valor. At one time, Toozy was owned by a deep-cover Alliance operative, but the agent was assassinated by the minions of crimelord Qa'till. Qa'till took control of the droid, and eventually placed it in his labor pool on Hypotria, where Qa'till controlled all the starship maintenance operations. Toozy remained loyal to the Alliance, however, stealing information from starships which land on Hypotria and relaying important data to the Alliance. It was Toozy who tipped off Koedi Raef to the Empire's movements near Vilosoria, during the Alliance's liberation of the planet. Raef was awarded the Rohal Cross for the successful liberation of the planet, but Raef refused the award and deferring it to Toozy.