a small, squat alien race with unusual green and tan coloring, the Rybets were amphibian in appearance. They have overlarge, lanternlike eyes and wide, suction-cupped webbed fingers, and consumed primarily insects. In their larval stage, they are blind but perfectly formed and able to move about. Note that Jedi Search indicates that the Rybets have four arms, but this may simply be a result of their larval development. The Rybet people believed that they originated on the planet Varl, but were forcibly evicted when the Hutts took control of the planet in a devastating war. The Rybet people believed that they would one day rise up against the Hutts and repay them for their treachery. By the time of the Battle of Endor, it was estimated that fewer than one billion Rybets existed in the galaxy, a fact attributed as much to their solitary nature as to the males' hatred of their females. As a people, Rybets were generally considered to be sly opportunists, and well-adapted to a nomadic lifestyle. Note that early press for the novel Escape from Dagu indicated that the Rybets were native to the planet Dagu.