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Rozhdenst, Gennad

this man served the Alliance as the Commander of Scavenger Squadron during the last years of the New Order. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Rozhdenst and his squadron were dispatched by Mon Mothma to guard Kuat Drive Yards from Imperial assault. Distinguished by the huge scar that ran diagonally across his face - a reminder of another struggle with the Empire - Rozhdenst was at odds with Kuat of Kuat over his squadron's presence, and drawn into the plans of Kodir of Kuhlvult from the moment he arrived at Kuat. She twisted the facts in order to gain his confidence, then forced him to admit that Kuat of Kuat was never going to recognize the Alliance. Fooled by it all, Rozhdenst and Wonn Uzalg agreed to ensure Kuat had an accident, thereby installing Kodir herself as the leader of KDY. However, there plans were crushed when Kuat began destroying the shipyards, rather than letting them fall into the hands of anyone else. Rozhdenst ordered the Scavengers to board as many of the capital ships under construction as they could to rescue them from the destruction. Many were saved, but many more were lost.
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