Rokak'k Baran
this huge Gree starship is the primary method of transportation between the many worlds of the Gree Enclave. Its primary port is at the world of Asation, where any non-Gree visitors to the Enclave must first stop and put to port. They are then free to board the Rokak'k Baran and travel as permitted to other Gree worlds. The Rokak'k Baran resembles a huge Ithorian herdship in its design, being a five-kilometer wide, disk-shaped ship. The ship requires nearly 5,000 Gree to maintain and operate, and can transport up to 10,000 passengers. It can pas through hyperspace lik emany starships, but it uses a Gree-designed propulsion system. It is armed with a single weapon, the Varat'k Snarap, and protected by the Karkak'k Marek. The ship is named for its owner, the Gree shipmaster Rokak'k.