Riv Shiel
this Shistavenan Wolfman was a member of Wedge Antilles' X-Wing Rogue Squadron. He earned an Imperial deathmark by killing a stormtrooper who thought he was Lak Sivrak. He continued to serve with distinction until he contracted the Krytos virus after the liberation of Coruscant. He was treated with bacta almost immediately, but was sidelined for some time during his recovery. Riv returned to active duty after the Rogues broke away from the New Republic, but was killed near Thyferra when the Corrupter intercepted the Rogue waylaying a bacta shipment. Riv and Gavin Darklighter were escorting the Xucphra Alazhi when the Star Destroyer took out Riv's X-Wing. The dead ship slammed into the Alazhi and detonated it. Darklighter fled to Halanit as the other Rogues returned home.