this Bimm, the main rival of Guttu the Hutt, ordered the murder of Lyle Lippstroot. He then inserted his own double in Lyle's place, hoping to obtain possession of a locked box which Vop the Usurer had acquired from the Ithorians aboard the Song of the Clouds. Ritinki had learned that the lockbox held a Hapan Gun of Command. Ritinki agreed to meet with Vop on the herdship, mainly to draw the Rodian into a trap. In the end, Vop was shot and killed, but Ritinki was caught in the backlash of an explosion set off by the pirates who worked for Cecil Noone. Noone and his crew made off with Ritinki's personal starship, the Asaari Wind. The thieves also obtained the lockbox, and Ritinki was left for dead. Inside the box was a rifle-sized Hapan gun of command, which Noone and his band tried fruitlessly to sell.