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Calrissian, Tendra Risant

the primary candidate in Lando Calrissian's search for a rich wife, Tendra was a minor functionary on Saccoria. She was moderately wealthy, but had a number of friends and relatives in high places within the Corellian Sector. She had fair skin, high cheekbones, and brownish-blond hair. When Lando first met her, she wass in her mid-thirties, and he was immediately taken with her. Their relationship continued to grow, and they eventually became business partners. Tendra managed to pursuade her family to help finance their underwater mining facility on Varn. It was also during this time that Lando and Tendra discovered that their relationship was greater than the forces at work in the galaxy, and they eventually got married. Their combined business sense led them to become involved in a wide variety of enterprises, until theiy eventually formed Tendrando Arms, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy began. As the war ground on, Lando and Tendra spent an increasingly larger portion of their time with the Smugglers' Alliance, working on the fringes to assist the New Republic's war efforts. Their relationship with the likes of Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde caem to fruition just after the Battle of Ebaq, in time to assist the Galactic Alliance in its mission to retake Coruscant from the alien invaders. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally surrendered to the Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began, Tendra and Lando decied to pursue more legitimate goals. The galaxy needed to be rebuilt, and there were too many honest ways to make a living.
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