this planet, the second world in the Riflorii System of the Mid Rim, was the homeworld of the Advozsec race. It had a thick, deep atmosphere which was laden with volcanic ash. The airborne ash diffused the natural light of the three Riflorii suns, causing native species to develop specialize vision. Riflor was geologically unstable, and was constantly being stressed as it orbited through its trinary star system. Additionally, Riflor was orbitted by three moons, adding tidal stress to volcanic activity. The filtered sunlight dropped the average temperature on Riflor despite its proximity to its suns, a situation that forced the Advozsec and other species to live near geothermal rifts. This proved potentially dangerous, since frequent earthquakes cause large amounts of damage. However, the Advozsec found ways to survive for millennia, until the Yuuzhan Vong launched their invasion of the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong unleashed a bio-virus that killed the planet's plantlife, starving millions of Advozsec to death. Only those Advozsec who were offworld at the time, as well as the Bomminde fammily of Tejrivozs, managed to survive.