Rieekan, Carlist
a native of Alderaan, Rieekan was the Rebel General in charge of Echo Base on Hoth, just prior to the Battle of Hoth. He joined the Army of the Republic when he was 17, and returned to Alderaan for active duty. There, he became a secret member of the Alliance, and was assisting with the inspection of the satellite transmitters around Delaya when the Death Star moved into position near Alderaan. He knew that Tarkin had been secretly building the battle station, but felt that any transmission warning Alderaan about it would result in the Empire's knowledge of the security breech. He held off in warning Alderaan, but Tarkin destroyed the planet anyway. This single incident hardened Rieekan's resolve to never hesitate in battle, and to never let the Empire surprise him again. After fleeing Delaya with as many of the Alliance's personnel as possible, Rieekan continued to assist the Alliance as commander of Echo Base on Hoth. It was his foresight and planning that allowed the Alliance to escape from Hoth, once its location was discovered by one of Darth Vader's probe droids. Following the loss of Echo Base, Rieekan continued to assist the Alliance, as well as the New Republic, as a General in the armed forces. After Leia Organa-Solo was chosen as the Republic's Chief of State, Rieekan accepted a promotion to Minister of State. He later became the head of New Republic intelligence before retiring. Unfortunately, Rieekan was called out of retirement during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, to act as the commander of Coruscant's Planetary Defense Force.