this planet, located in the Darpa Sector, emerged from an ice age more than ten thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Much of the planet remained covered with glaciers and rivers of ice, which once spanned the entire world. Because Rhinnal had virtually no axial tilt, there was no change in seasons to help melt the ice. Rhinnal was first colopnized by travelers who were moving along the Perlemian Trade Route, during the early years of the Old Republic. Throughout much of its history, Rhinnal was controlled by the planetary government of Esseles. In the wake of the ice age, habitation of the planet continued, and it became known as a business education center. During the last years of the Old Republic, the Jedi Knights established and expanded a training and medical center on Rhinnal, near the city of Rhire. The fourth planet in the Rhinnal System, Rhinnal was orbited by a pair of moons. The average day on Rhinnal lasted 27 standard hours, while its year encompassed 357 local days.