Repness, Atton
this New Republic Colonel was in command of a starfighter training group known as the Screaming Wookiees, but was also involved in the selling of stolen starship and parts on the black market. He would use the pilots with the least potential to help him steal ships, promising them a chance to redeem themselves if they would "lose" a starfighter on a mission. His team would later recover the ship and sell it on the black market, after the New Republic listed it missing in action. If the pilot proved to be incorruptible, Repness would either blackmail them into his plans or threaten them with expulsion. If they still refused to help, Repness would backdate progress reports which would indicate the pilot's inability to adapt to the Republic's regimens, and have the pilot ousted from any kind of service. He was also quite paranoid about being discovered, and scanned potential pilots with a comlink-like device that prohibited recording. He also used it when he was working alone, as he tended to talk in his sleep. He was Tyria Sarkin's commanding officer, and when she refused to be part of his plans, he got her blacklisted from the pilot ranks. She later joined Wraith Squadron, and told her comrades about Repness' schemes. This prompted Garik Loran and Ton Phanan to propose a plan to expose Repness to Wedge Antilles, who grudgingly agreed with their plan. They convinced Lara Notsil to be their "bait," but Lara - the former Gara Petothel - proved to be more skilled than they hoped. She stole much of Repness' own records after slicing into them, including the records of all the fighter pilots he had "washed out." She then sent an anonymous message to General Cracken, detailing Repness' entire operation. Repness caught her, and would have beat her senseless if Cracken's forces hadn't arrived to arrest him. In the end, Repness was relieved of duty and brought up on several charges. As an ironic twist, Lara was assigned Repness' X-Wing and his astromech, which she named Tonin.