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Redcrested Cougar

a predatory feline native to the planet Belkadan, the redcrested cougar was a large, agile creature which could tear a human apart in a few minutes. Danni Quee was forced to kill one, when it slipped into the ExGal-4 outpost and seriously wounded two other explorers. The average cougar was almost four meters in length, weighed about 140 kilograms, and had ten-centimeter fangs protruding from its mouth. The redcrested cougar had large, clawed paws, and the tail ended with a lump of bone which could be swung like a cudgel. Most redcrested cougars were solitary hunters, gathering only during the mating season. After mating, the male cougar left the female behind to raise the cubs. In general, this creature was not territorial, although each male had its own distinct hunting grounds.
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