this large, flat insect was bioengineered by the Yuuzhan Vong as a kind of weapon. The shell of the razorbug was extremely sharp and strong, and could cut through many substances. The Yuuzhan Vong warrior could throw the razorbug at a target, and the bug would fly at top speed until it hit something. If the warrior missed his thrown, the razorbug often was imbedded in the surrounding cover. They were expendable, and were easily killed if crushed underfoot. After the hostilities between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance were resolved, and the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to live on the planet Zonama Sekot, they found that razorbugs and many other bio-engineered weapons simply reverted to their animal forms and fled into the forests. This was one way in which Sekot forced the Yuuzhan Vong to give up their lust for war and embrace a more enlightened existence.