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this Shawda Ubb musician played the growdi for the Max Rebo Band. His full name was Rapotwanalantonee Tivtotolon. He grew up wanting to travel, something most of his species loathed. As a child, Rappertunie saved his credits and eventually bought passage to Shanpan. While there, he encountered beings from a multitude of species and cultures, and he eventually joined a Shanpa band in order to earn more credits. It while playing with these bands that he adopted the name Rappertunie, since it was easier for other species to pronounce. When he saw the Max Rebo Band play on Manpha, Rappertunie was given the chance to join the band. He eagerly agreed, and his growdi music blended in nicely with the band's jizz sound. When the band was employed by Jabba the Hutt, Rappertunie found that the dry, desert heat affected his playing as well as dried out his skin. He petitioned Sy Snootles to break off the engagement, and his wish was answered when Jabba was killed at the Pit of Carkoon. After touring briefly with Sy Snootles until her career failed, Rappertunie took a job as a computer engineer with Rebaxan Columni, and worked on several upgrades to the MSE-6 line of droids.
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