Rapid Cloning
this process was developed by the Empire, in a secret laboratory located beneath some Jedi ruins on the planet Dantooine. The cloning facilities themselves were built by the Jedi. The goal of the lab was to process clones in just under two weeks, rather than the year it normally took to produce a viable clone. Darth Vader himself oversaw the project, which started by using genetic material from dead members of the Alliance. Vader was able to clone many races with the facilities on Dantooine. The technique tended to be imperfect, with the resulting clones having only basic memories and lacking any of the original's imagination and technical knowledge. Vader overcame this problem by collecting mindscans from various subjects and impressing them onto the minds of his clones. When the mindscan proved successful, Vader tried to take the project one step further. He hoped to clone the Dantari and create an army of cloned warriors which would have no qualms about killing anything in its path. After the labs were discovered by Tash and Zak Arranda, and their uncle Hoole, Vader learned that there was a clone of himself running the facility. The clone even had some mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, but not enough to survive the real Vader's powers. It was later revealed that the real Vader had not known of the facility until he found it, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, while searching for the Alliance's hidden base. The clone was created from a tiny sample of blood left behind when Vader activated the facility's defenses.