Randa Besadii Diori
this young Hutt was the offspring of Borga the Hutt, and supported Borga's attempts to form an alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong. It was believed that the Yuuzhan Vong wanted Randa to offer assistance to the New Republic in helping transport refugees, thereby providing the aliens with a steady supply of prisoners. However, Randa was eventually convinced to use the alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong to his own advantage, and soon provided the New Republic with any information he received from the aliens. Unfortunately for the Republic, Randa unwitting supplied false information, which led to the debacle at the Battle of Fondor. However, Randa was rescued from the Yuuzhan Vong by Kyp Durron, who had been asked by Wurth Skidder to rescue the Hutt. Randa pledged his support to the New Republic, as a way of honoring the sacrifice made by Skidder. Like many other refugees, Randa was stranded on Duro, where he tried to bargain with the Yuuzhan Vong for the safety of Nal Hutta by trying to hand over a Jedi to the aliens. He tried to convince both Jaina and Jacen Solo that he was starting his own vigilante force, but neither wanted anything to do with the Hutt, despite his pledge to avenge Skidder's death. Randa told Jacen that he wanted to become a pirate chieftain, modeling his operations after Kyp Durron and the vigilantes known as Kyp's Dozen. The younger Solos proved intractible to the Hutt, but Randa later discovered that Leia Organa-Solo might prove easier to capture. Randa later revised his plans, hoping to turn Leia over to the Yuuzhan Vong's leadership, thereby gathering them on Duro so that the New Republic could capture them. When Tsavong Lah landed on Duro and discovered Randa's duplicity, he had the Hutt imprisoned for later sacrifice. Randa found himself in the company of Leia Organa-Solo, who refused to believe his support for the New Republic. Despite her rebuff, Randa ultimately gave his life to save Leia, Jaina, when they were presented to Tsavong Lah as sacrifices. Randa tried to kill the warmaster and his priestess, Vaecta, by smashing them with his tail. His diversion was meant to allow Leia chance to escape. Vaecta quickly sent a tkun to attack Randa, and the crimson-furred creature quickly suffocated the Hutt. Leia, however, could not escape, and was recaptured by Nom Anor.