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part crustacean, part aranchid, the rancor stands about 8-10 meters tall, and has wickedly-clawed hands and rows of sharp teeth in its pudgy face. A creature that was warm-blooded and gave birth to live young, the rancor did not suckle its young. In this way, the rancor was considered a reptomammal. It was covered in knobby, natural armor and bony headplates. These beasts are native to over a dozen planets in the galaxy, although a subspecies native to the planet Dathomir have been trained by the Force-sensitive women there and used as mounts. The rancor have been indebted to the witches since Allya came to Dathomir and rescued a sick rancor female. They are easily trained to do a number of tasks, including climbing and carrying riders. Jabba the Hutt had a rancor caged in his palace on Tatooine, which he kept starved. He then dropped anyone who displeased him into the rancor's pit, and the denizens of the palace looked on as the rancor tore the hapless victim to pieces. Despite their fearsome, crab-like appearance, most varieties of rancors generally dislike water.
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