this Yuuzhan Vong served as the battle tactician, under the command of Tla, during the assault on Obroa-skai and the planned mission to infiltrate Elan into the Jedi Knights. Raff was outspoken for a mere tactician, but his insight and analytical abilities were often valuable to his commanders. He was considered quite small for a Yuuzhan Vong, and was extremely thin-bodied. His ritual scarring and tattoos were no less horrific than those of a warrior, however, for Raff was a devote follower of Yun-Yammka. The skin of his enlarged cranium was tattooed with swirls and patterns denoting the incredible brain within. Raff opposed the initial plans to have Elan play the part of a defector, citing the incredible loss of a yorik coral warship and its crew just to make it appear her defection was legitimate.