Raen Sovra
known as the electrocution worm, this segmented creature is a member of the classification of creatures known as technivores. Its exoskeleton is composed of metallic elements, and the creature subsists by consuming electricity and metals. They were considered a threat to starships and vehicles because of their ability to sense the electricity and metallic content of space-going vehicles, which they attached themselves to and consumed over time, eventually weakening and destroying hulls and computer systems. In general, raen sovra were weak and dumb, but were able to defend themselves by shocking their attacker with a jolt of pure electricity. These creatures were originally discovered - and named for - Doctor Safford Raen, who encountered them in the Mis-Tenek System. Doctor Raen discovered that these worms lived in the root systems of vinna trees, consuming the electricity that is directed into the ground whenever the vinna trees were struck by lightning.