an alien race, also known as the Wavedancers, native to the planet Hirsi. They are an aquatic species, living in the freshwater riviers and lakes of Hirsi and feeding on fish and plant material. They are a seemingly small, delicate race of humanoids, but their are very strong and agile. They are covered with dark skin punctuated by raised scales on their heads, wrists, ankles, and wastes. They have long, pointed ears which can pick up the modulated sounds waves they send through the water as a form of communication. These sound waves don't carry well in air, so Qwohogs use a crude sign language when out of the water. They can survive out of the water for short periods, but must keep their skin moist or risk rapid and debilitating dehydration. They also cannot exist in saltwater, for it burns their gills and damages their lungs. They are known as Wavedancers because of the fluid, ballet-like way they move across the surface of the water. Their lives are directed at survival and leisure, and they have barely risen above primitive tool technology. They were unaware of the presence of rudic crystals in their environment, which brought them into contact with the Alliance. The Alliance offered friendship and nothing more in return for the ability to mine the crystals, but the Empire had other ideas. Imperial forces slew the Alliance team and raped Hirsi of its resources. The Qwohog were powerless of stop it. When the suuply of rudic crystals dried up, however, the Empire simply left. An Alliance rescue team arrived, and the Qwohogs helped explain what happened. They pledged whatever support they could muster to the Alliance, and helped establish a secure base of operations there. Some Qwohogs have left Hirsi, working for the Alliance and later the New Republic.