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Qwi Xux

an Omwati working at the Maw Installation. When Grand Moff Tarkin needed the best minds working at the Maw Installation, he went to Omwat and "recruited" several youths to train in his orbiting school. The school turned out to be a brutal weeding-out process by which Tarkin would eventually end up with one viable candidate for employment at the Maw. Qwi was the survivor of Tarkin's plan, but she only saw it as a triumph of her mental capacity. She was more than glad to go to the Maw and begin solving the intricate problems Tarkin and her mentor, Bevel Lemelisk, provided to her. Her Omwati background could never prepare her for Tarkin's real objective: the subjugation of races beneath the Empire's boots. She believed in the simplistic goals for the Death Star and the World Devastators, even given their ominous names. She hoped they would be used to terraform worlds to make them habitable for many different races. It was not until Han Solo was intercepted and tortured at the Maw that she realized the scope of the projects being developed at the Installation. The thought of her work being the cause of billions of deaths overcame her, and she helped Han, Chewie, and Kyp escape with the Sun Crusher. She then gave the ship's technical data over to the New Republic. When she met Wedge Antilles the first time, she wasn't sure whether or not to trust him. A trust did eventually grow, and the two shared many beautiful moments, until Kyp stole Qwi's mind from her. Wedge nursed her back to health, but she was never the same again. She and Wedge maintained their relationship, but he was increasingly called upon in military matters, and Qwi became more and more absorbed in her work. Both agreed that the relationship was evolving to be a convenience, rather than a true romance, and they went their separate ways. Qwi eventually decided to travel to Vortex and help the Vors repair the Cathedral of Winds. While there, she hoped to find her own inner peace and eliminate the memories of all the beings her superweapons had killed.
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