an Imperial TIE Fighter pilot who fought in the Battle of Yavin, Qorl was caught in X-Wing defensive fire and forced to crash-land on Yavin 4. Badly injured, he managed to survive there for over twenty years, until he was discovered by Jacen Solo. Qorl held the Solo twins hostage until they repaired his ship, which he took. Employing the hyperdrive installed by Jaina Solo, Qorl left the Yavin System. Qorl then joined the Second Imperium and served as a pilot and trainer aboard the Shadow Academy. His damaged body was repaired with cybernetic implants, including his entire left arm. He successfully captured the Adamant and obtained valuable hyperdrive cores, turbolasers, and shield codes for the Imperium's fleet. In the climactic battle between the Shadow Academy and the Jedi on Yavin 4, Qorl was again shot down by the New Republic fleet. He was presumed dead, but decided that he'd had enough of galactic conflicts and remained a hermit in the jungles of Yavin 4. Qorl reappeared two years later, when the Peace Brigade tried to capture the students at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. Aging but still fiesty, Qorl had finally given up the fight to preserve the Empire, and helped Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila escape the moon by keeping an eye on Remis Vehn and remaining near the moon until the last possible moment.