Qlaern Hirf
this Vratix member of the Ashern Circle tipped off the New Republic that the Warlord Zsinj was in possession of bacta, during the Krytos crisis. He approached Wedge Antilles and made the Rogue Squadron commander an offer: a gift of highly-potent bacta in exchange for sponsorship for admittance to the New Republic for the Vratix. He also presented his services as a verachen, in hopes that he could examine the Krytos virus and develop bacta that would defeat it. Wedge agreed, and Qlaern Hirf's team was able to discover the ability of kor ryll to enhance bacta. They provided the New Republic with the ability to produce its own rylca, but Wedge was unable to immediately petition for the Vratix's application. Ysanne Isard had taken control of Thyferra, and the question of planet-wide acceptance needed to be answered first.