this small, insectoid race is native to the planet Lan Barell. Each Qieg had three body segments, including the head and two abdomens, supported by four legs. The rear set of legs was made for jumping, which the front set were for walking. A pair of arms on the upper torso allowed the Qieg to manipulate objects. A hive society, the Qieg cared little for the individual. Even child were simply individuals, and all offspring were raised regardless of their familial relationships. They live inside the hollowed-out carcasses of cactus-like succulents, and live in groups of 20 or more. They have been mining the planet's three moons for profit, but have reduced one of the moons to rubble. In fact, many of the off-world mining interests modeled their operations after the Qieg system, forming cooperatives rather than trying to be successful as individual corporations.